Vitamin D in linseed oil

D-Vitum Forte

Vitamin D is necessary for correct growth and bone development in children. It also promotes bone and tooth health and supports correct muscle function. The products contains linseed oil with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Alphalinolenic acid helps maintain normal cholesterol levels in the blood. A benefi cial effect occurs when 2 g ALA is consumed daily.

D-Vitum forte MAX OSTEO

D-Vitum forte MAX OSTEO

D-Vitum forte 4000 IU, aerosol 6 ml

D-Vitum forte 4000 IU, aerosol 6 ml

D-Vitum forte 2000 IU, aerosol 6 ml

D-Vitum forte 2000 IU, aerosol 6 ml

D-Vitum forte Max 4000 IU

D-Vitum forte Max 4000 IU

D-Vitum forte 2000 IU K2, aerosol 6 ml

D-Vitum forte 2000 IU K2, aerosol 6 ml

D-Vitum forte Max 4000 IU K2

D-Vitum forte Max 4000 IU K2

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